Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler
48. CAN ÇETİN, Burcu; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Challenges of Turkish Heritage Impact Assessment Practices: Case Of Canal Istanbul, Turkey. www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line) WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 253, 2021 WIT Press doi:10.2495/SC210291, pp 347-358.
47. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; KAHRAMAN DEMİR Meriç. Transformation of the Historic Urban Landscape of Istanbul: Quay Squares Along the Bosphorus, International Scientific Committee on Historic Towns and Villages, ICOMOS CIVVIH International Conference Theory and Practice of Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) and Cities and Sustainable Development (SDG), Tunis, Tunisia, October 21-24, 2019 (baskıda).
46. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; KORAMAZ, Kerem. Creating a Sustainable Settlement in the Earthquake Risky Area: The Case of Eskisehir-Turkey. WHO International Healthy Cities Conference, Belfast, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, 1-4 October 2018, Changing Cities to Change the World: Celebrating thirty years of the Healthy Cities Movement, online. [ PDF İndir ]
45. ÖZBAY KINACI, Merve; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. An Evaluation of the Urbanization Process of Galata (Istanbul) in the 19th Century through the Maps of Huber, d’Ostoya and Goad, 18th International Planning History Conference, Looking at the World History of Planning, Yokohama, 15-19 July 2018, digital print. [ PDF İndir ]
44. KOYUNOĞLU, Balin; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Nature Conservation Planning Approach in the Urban Epoch, 18th International Planning History Conference, Looking at the World History of Planning, Yokohama, 15-19 July 2018, digital print. [ PDF İndir ]
43. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran, (invited paper). Memory Layers in Architectural, Natural and Urban Heritage: The Case of Istanbul Bosphorus Conservation Area. ICONARCH – III, International Congress of Architecture, Memory of Place in Architecture and Planning, 11-13 May 2017, Selçuk University, Konya, Proceedings Book, Vol.1, pp.33-45. [ PDF İndir ]
42. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; SEÇMEN, Serengül; KUZEY, Gökçe; KARGÜL, Oktay. An Evaluation of the Social Impact of Spatial and Functional Changes in a Historical Urban Area: Kuzguncuk-Bosphorus. The 3rd International Conference on Changing Cities: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions, 26-30 June 2017, Syros – Delos – Mykonos Islands, Greece, digital publication. [ PDF İndir ]
41. KINACI ÖZBAY, Merve; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Social and Spatial Changes in Urban Historic Neighbourhoods: The Case of the Cihangir District-Istanbul, The 3rd International Conference on Changing Cities: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions, 26-30 June 2017, Syros – Delos – Mykonos Islands, Greece digital publication. [ PDF İndir ]
40. AKPINAR, İpek; ZEREN GÜLERSOY, Nuran; KORAMAZ, Kerem; ÖZSOY, Ahsen; ERBAŞ GÜRLER, Ebru. The Making of an Urban Designer in the Ambiguous Global Context: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Education at ITU. 17. International Planning History Conference, “History, Urbanism, Resilience, July 17-21, 2016, Delft. (Selected and printed paper), V.07, pp: 20-33. ISSN 2468-6948 (print), ISSN 468-6956 (online), ISBN 078-94-9515-08.4. 39. ZEREN GÜLERSOY, Nuran; KOYUNOĞLU ÖZCAN, Balin. Understanding the Vulnerability of Historic Urban Sites, History, Urbanism, Resilience, 17. International Planning History Conference, July 17-21 2016, Delft. (Selected and printed paper), V.03, pp:353-366. ISSN2468-6948 (print), ISSN468-6956 (online), ISBN 078-94-9515-01.5. [ PDF İndir ]
39. ZEREN GÜLERSOY, Nuran; KOYUNOĞLU ÖZCAN, Balin. Understanding the Vulnerability of Historic Urban Sites, History, Urbanism, Resilience, 17. International Planning History Conference, July 17-21 2016, Delft. (Selected and printed paper), V.03, pp:353-366. ISSN2468-6948 (print), ISSN468-6956 (online), ISBN 078-94-9515-01.5. [ PDF İndir ]
38. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran, (2017), Europa Nostra’s Work in Turkey, Europa Nostra Turkey. Civil Society and Sustainable Development in the UNESCO World Heritage, ed: Stephan Doempke (ed.), Civil Society and Sustainable Development in the UNESCO World Heritage Proceedings of the International Conference Istanbul 2016, World Heritage Watch, Berlin. [ PDF İndir ]
37. GÜN, Ahmet; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Refunctioning Abandoned Industrial Plants for Public Purpose: A Reuse Proposal for Paşabahçe Glass Factory, Design Communication Association European Conference, (DCA-E Conference 2016), May 11-14, 2016, Chapter 01, Session A2,01, Design Interpretation, Özyeğin University, pp.69-78. [ PDF İndir ]
36. AYRANCI, İrem; ZEREN GÜLERSOY, Nuran. Reinventing the Planning Process: Monitoring and Evaluation. Istanbul Case Study. ISOCARP, Oct 2015, Deventer, Netherlands. (Selected and printed paper) ISBN: 978-94-90354-45-9 Copyright: © ISOCARP 2016. [ PDF İndir ]
35. HANSOY, Pınar; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. A Creative Cluster: Babiali – Istanbul. VI. International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS), 04-05 October 2013 Izmir – Turkey (abstract printed, full paper CD). International Journal of Social Sciences and Human Studies, Vol 6, (N:1), 2014. [ PDF İndir ]
34. ATALAY, Hilay; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Social Sustainability in Urban Planning. International Conference on Changing Cities: Spatial, Morphological, Formal & Socio-economic Dimensions, Skiathos Island, Greece, 18-21 June 2013, (abstract printed, full paper CD, ISSN:1309-8063). [ PDF İndir ]
33. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; GÜRLER, Ebru. The International Planning History Society (IPHS): an Overview of the Previous Conferences. Cities, Nations and Regions in Planning History, 15th International Planning History Society Conference, 15–18 July 2012, São Paulo, Brazil. (internet video address: http://www.fau.usp.br/15-iphs-conference-sao-Paulo-2012/videoNuran.html) 13_Bildiriler_İngilizce\4_The International Planning History Society (IPHS) an Overview of the Previous Conferences Cities.pdf. [ PDF İndir ]
32. KORAMAZ, T. Kerem; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Users’ Responses to 2D and 3D Visualization Techniques in Urban Conservation Process. 15th International Information Visualization Conference, London, England, 12.07.2011 – 15.07.2011, s. 573-578. [ PDF İndir ]
31. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Conservation of the heritage potential of Istanbul. Restoration projects for multicultural heritage monuments and sites of Istanbul European Capital of Culture 2010, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Engineering Faculty of Architecture, Seminar Proceedings, CD Publication, Thessaloniki 25, 26, 27 February 2011.
30. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Management Plan for the Historic Peninsula-Istanbul, Restoration projects for multicultural heritage monuments and sites of Istanbul European Capital of Culture 2010, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Engineering Faculty of Architecture, Seminar Proceedings, CD Publication, Thessaloniki 25, 26, 27 February 2011.
29. GÜRLER, Ebru; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Paradigm Shifts and Urban Regeneration Process. The 14th Conference of the International Planning History Society, IPHS 2010, Urban Transformation: Controversies, Contrasts and Challenges, ITU Faculty of Architecture, ITU Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center, 12-15 July 2010, Istanbul, pp.427- 439. [ PDF İndir ]
28. KORAMAZ, T. Kerem; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. 3D Visualization of Transformation in Historic Townscape: Case of Zeyrek Urban Site. 14th IPHS Conference, Urban Transformation: Controversies, Contrasts and Challenges, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center, 12-15 July 2010, Istanbul, pp.359-371. [ PDF İndir ]
27. GÜNAY, Zeynep; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Sustainability of Historic Environment in the Neoliberal Age: Safranbolu vs Beypazarı. 46th ISOCARP Congress: Sustainable City/Developing World, Nairobi, Kenya, 19.09.2010- 23.09.2010. [ PDF İndir ]
26. KORAMAZ, T.Kerem; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Comparison Between Users’ Responses For Static 3D Model And VR Application in Zeyrek Urban Historic Site. 22nd CIPA Symposium, 11-15 Ekim 2009, Kyoto, Japonya, digital publication. [ PDF İndir ]
25. YILMAZ, Ümit; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. (2007). Tide Between Public and Private At Urban Squares By The Sea, CELA 2007 The Council of Educators in Landscape Negotiating Landscape, Penn State, August 14-19 2007, digital publication, CD. [ PDF İndir ]
24. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. (2007). Prizren Historic Area Conservation and Development Plan, Cultural Heritage in Kosova from Apple of Discord to Ferment of Reconciliation, Europe Nostra Forums Preparatory Meetings, Europe Nostra, 10-14 Kasım 2006, Normandy Chateau de Canisy, digital publication, CD. [ PDF İndir ]
23. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; AYATAC, Hatice; KORAMAZ, T.Kerem. (2006). (MAZLUM, Deniz; AHUNBAY, Zeynep; KÂHYA, Yegân, editors.), Changing Function of 20th Century Housing District into Commercial Use: Levent Case. International Symposium, ICOMOS, Conservation of the 20th Century Architectural and Industrial Heritage, 18–21 May 2002, Yapı-Yayın, pp. 139-142. [ PDF İndir ]
22. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Istanbul and the Bosphorus. ICOMOS CIVVIH 2005 Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium, 21-24 May 2005 Istanbul Technical University& TMMOB Turkish Chamber of Architects Istanbul Branch, İstanbul, CD.
21. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; TEZER, Azime; YİĞİTER, Reyhan; KORAMAZ, Kerem; GÜNAY, Zeynep. (2005). Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study (Turkey). European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards Ceremony, Presentation, 2004, Bergen, Europa Nostra, European Cultural Heritage Review, Special Edition: Awards 2004, p. 35. [ PDF İndir ]
20. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; UZER, Evren. (2005). (KOMUT, Emine, editor). Disaster Mitigation Issues within Urban Planning. UIA Summer School 2004, Architects and Disasters, Turkish Chamber of Architects, 2-16 July 2004, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 86-93. [ PDF İndir ]
19. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; GÜNAY, Zeynep. Cultural Heritage and Intercultural Dialogue in the Black Sea Region. Conference: The Black Sea Region: Past, Present and Future, Istanbul Technical University & British Academy Black Sea Initiative, 14-16 October 2004, Istanbul, pp 45-57. [ PDF İndir ]
18. BÖLEN, Fulin; ERKUT, Gülden; GİRİTLİOĞLU, Cengiz; ÜNAL, Yücel; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. (2004). Prospects for Planning Education: The Case of Istanbul Technical University, International Workshop on Planning Education, 8-10 May 2002, Istanbul.
17. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. (GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; ÖZSOY, Ahsen; ESİN, Nur, editors). Quality Management and Planning. Quality of Urban Life Policy Versus Practice, Istanbul Technical University Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center, 3-5 December 2003, Istanbul, pp. 12-23. [ PDF İndir ]
16. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; TÜRKOĞLU, Handan; GÜNAY, Zeynep. A Comparative Research on Users of City Parks in Istanbul, Street Responsibility in Historic Cities. II. International Street Furniture Symposium, Greater Municipality of Istanbul, Iston, April 2003, Istanbul, pp. 24-27.
15. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Experiences from Ongoing and Previous Urban Conservation Projects in Turkey. Workshop: Integrated Conservation, Preservation and Urban Planning, Sweden Cultural Heritage without Borders, 20 November 2002, Pristina /Prizren.
14. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Urban Conservation in Turkey: Lessons Learned from Similar Projects. Saving the Old Town of Prizren: Toward the People-with the People, Workshop of Experts, Kolping Kosova, 20-21 September 2002, Prizren, Kosova, pp. 22-27.
13. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; KORAMAZ, Kerem. Urban Conservation Study Based on Computer-Aided Design Techniques: A Case of Zeyrek-Istanbul. ISPRS Commission V Symposium, Close Range Imaging, Long-Range Vision, 2-6 September 2002, Corfu, Greece, pp. 369-372. [ PDF İndir ]
12. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; KORAMAZ, Kerem. Evaluation of Townscape in Spatial Information Systems Throughout Urban Conservation Application, XVIIIth International Symposium of CIPA, Surveying and Documentation of Historic Building-Monuments-Sites, Traditional and Modern Methods, Potsdam (Germany), 18–21 September 2001, JURG ALBERTZ (ed.-in-chief), Druckerei Weinert Gmb, Berlin, Germany, pp. 282-285. [ PDF İndir ]
11. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. Conservation Approach to Cultural Assets in Turkey, TURGUT, Hülya; KELLET, Peter. (editors). Second International Symposium, Traditional Environments in a New Millenium, IAPS-CSBE Network, 20–23 June 2001, Amasya, pp. 482-486. [ PDF İndir ]
10. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran, ÖZSOY, Ahsen. Housing and Earthquake: An Example of a Graduate Programme. KOMUT, Emine. (editor). UIA WP Conference/Meeting Program, Urban Settlements and Natural Disasters, 18-19 May 2001, Istanbul, pp. 101-116. [ PDF İndir ]
9. ÖZSOY, Ahsen; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; ERKUT, Gülden; YİĞİTER, Reyhan; EYÜBOĞLU, Engin. Social, Cultural and Spatial Complexity of a Squatter Settlement in Istanbul: Armutlu Districts. TURGUT, H.; KELLET, P. (editors). IAPS-CSBE Network, Social, Cultural and Spatial Diversity and Complexity in Urban Environments, Yem Pub. Istanbul, 2001, pp. 121-132.
8. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; ÖZSOY, Ahsen. Spatial Expansion of the Squatter Settlements in Istanbul. IAPS 16, Metropolis 2000, 4–5 July 2000, Paris pub. in the CD.
7. YİĞİTER GENLİ, Reyhan; GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. (1997). Evaluation of Open Spaces in Residential Environments: Case Studies from Istanbul. ÜNÜGÜR, S. Mete, HACIHASANOĞLU, Orhan; TURGUT, Hülya. (editors). Culture & Space in the Home Environments, Dünya Yayıncılık, Istanbul, pp. 151-180.
6. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran. (1996). Istanbul and the Bosphorus. Architectural Heritage Today – Istanbul and Suleymaniye Area, Workshop One, Proceedings Metropolitan Municipality of Greater Istanbul-IRCICA, 5 July 1995, Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, pp. 221-224.
5. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; DEMİR, Serap; PAŞALIOGLU, Ayşe. The Changing Role of a Housing District into Commercial Use: Istanbul 1st Levent Case. VII. AESOP Congress, “Planning for a Broader Europe, Proceedings, 24-27 Augustus 1994, Association of European Schools of Planning, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Vol. 4-5, pp. 53-75.
4. GÜLERSOY ZEREN, Nuran; KÜKRER, Şule. Interaction of Conservation and Tourism in Historic Cities: A Case Study of Kayakoy (Levissi), International Conference on the “Impact of Tourism on Traditional and Historic Settlements in the Countries of the Mediterranean and Southern Europe, Thessalonica, 22-24 October 1993, pp. 97-113. [ PDF İndir ]
3. ZEREN, Nuran; GENLİ Reyhan. Evaluation of Open Spaces in Housing Environments: Case Studies from İstanbul. Oslo Housing Conference, Housing Policy a Strategy for Change, June 24–27, 1991, Oslo. [ PDF İndir ]
2. ZEREN, Nuran. Perspectives and Problems of Urban Conservation in Turkey, Housing Debates, Urban Challenges. CILOG International Housing Research Conference, 3-6 July 1990, Paris, pp. 287-291.
1. ZEREN, Nuran; ERKUT, Gülden. The relevance of Socio-Economic and Physical Data for the Conservation of Istanbul Historic Peninsula. Culture, Space, History, International Conference, 8-12 July 1990, METU, Ankara, Vol. 5, pp. 273-284. [ PDF İndir ]